Translation of "KARA TOPRAK" by Aşık Veysel from Turkish to English
I expected for many people to be real friends My faithfull beloved is black soil i wandered arround with no end, i got tired for nothing My faithfull beloved is black soil
I dedicated myself for such beautiful ones I didnt see any loyalty, i didnt find any use I had everything i want from the soil/earth My faithfull beloved is black soil
It gave sheep, it gave lamb, it gave milk ıt gave food, it gave bread, it gave meat When you didnt peck up the ground, it gave less My faithfull beloved is black soil
It let my breed come to today till Adam It feeded me with fruits ıt carried me on his top everyday My faithfull beloved is black soil
I cut it open with pickaxe,* I tore its face with my hands, nails It again welcomed me with roses My faithfull beloved is black soil
As i tortured, it used to smile at me There is no lie in this, everyone saw it I gave one seed, it gave me four fields inreturn My faithfull beloved is black soil
If i look up in the sky, i breath If i look down to the earth, i have others prays Where will i stay if i leave it My faithfull beloved is black soil
If you have a wish ask it from God (pray) Dont go away from the soil to have it (your wish) Generosity is given to the soil by God My faithfull beloved is black soil
If you search for truth, here is a clear point God is close to people, people are close to God The secret treasure of the God is in soil My faithfull beloved is black soil
Soil is recovering all the faults we have It heals my wounds as a medicine It is waiting me with open arms My faithfull beloved is black soil
Whom ever learns this secret S/he leaves an immortal wonder behind for the world A day comes when it hugs Veysel deeply My faithfull beloved is black soil
As i said this is not a full translation. I hope it helps you to understand the meaning a bit. Any corrections will be appreciated, i hope it helps.