Smiling, let's try starting with a greeting When you're lost in unrequited love and spot that someone It's okay if you're awkward That's all you can do about it now Love always takes the scenic route
Wa! My heart starts pounding Like I always dreamed of... My cheeks feel flushed And my palms start to sweat
Ah! If our eyes happen to meet I might turn mine away... I think my heart might leap out of my chest Being nervous is a given
The morning sunshine is my ally The green trees sway in the wind So this becomes a great day The birds are singing too
Smiling, let's try starting with a greeting It can't be helped if your voice is quiet at first It's okay to take it step by step Until your voice can be heard So that you can look back at this someday Smiling, let's try starting with a greeting When you're lost in unrequited love and spot that someone It's okay if you're awkward That's all you can do about it now Love always takes the scenic route
Yes, don't worry so much About the people around you The protagonists of this place Are only you and that someone
Things you treasure will keep happening Today, tomorrow, and the day after... And you'll feel the same forever As long as the sun is in the sky
Let's start relations from square one To get them to notice your existence Even if you don't have a conversation As long as you offer up a smile Anyone, anyone will smile back at you Let's start relations from square one Every couple begins with some distance between them Gradually they become closer And learn more about each other To be able to stand together
What it is to be in love with someone Is to begin to love the whole world
Smiling, let's try starting with a greeting It can't be helped if your voice is quiet at first It's okay to take it step by step Until your voice can be heard So that you can look back at this someday Smiling, let's try starting with a greeting When you're lost in unrequited love and spot that someone It's okay if you're awkward That's all you can do about it now Love always takes the scenic route