Unleash your swimming life Allow it to be caught by science Life's boundaries are beeing smashed Progress in natures defiance Existance without creation Life without conception Humanity pushes progress but is it in the right direction - baby?
Not knowing where you came from Professionally created Who were you spawned from? Frozen you have waited.
An after crop of technology, not knowing the warren crop of flowing milk and honey. Experiments no longer restricted to animals as long as you got the money.
Caught in a realm of fantasy - is an actual reality. Life of mass brutality, you've blossomed from modam surgery.
End the tears of infertile parents, embryo's paused in time.
Is your life an endess question or unnatural crime? Now you know, you have been told the truth about your life Your father was a sterile testtube. your mother a surgical knife
Unable to carry a child so meek and mild - who's fault is this? Our seed shall blend with science in an alliance - our minds insist So now you find your life's and endless cause.
The endless question that haunts you - you can not pause Your parents say they are truly yours Answering questions, opening doors