Sweetheart, come along! For to hear the fond song, The sweet notes where the nightingale flows? For hear the fond tale Of the sweet nightingale, As she sings in the valley below? As she sings in the valley below. Sweetheart, never fail, I shall carry your pail, And it's off to your cottage we'll go; For to hear the fond tale Of the sweet nightingale, As she sings in the valley below, As she sings in the valley below. 'Pray leave me alone, I have hands of my own; And along with you, sir, I won't go, For to hear the fond tale Of the sweet nightingale, As she sings in the valley below; As she sings in the valley below. Come sit yourself down With me on the ground, On the banks where sweet primroses grow; And you'll hear the fond tale Of the sweet nightingale, As she sings in the valley below; As she sings in the valley below. So I set myself down, Right there on the ground, On the banks where the primroses grow. For to hear the fond tale of the sweet nightingale, As she sings in the valley below, As she sings in the valley below. This couple agreed; To be married with speed, And it's off to the church they did go. She's no longer afraid For to walk in the shade, For to lie in the valley below; For to lie in the valley below. For to hear the fond tale of the sweet nightingale, As she sings in the valley below, As she sings in the valley below.