Wubba lubba dub dub I don't give a fuck Let's dance, bitch Do The Rick
Let's get schwifty
Someday we will die let's party tonight (riggity riggity wrecked son) let's get wrecked all night
(do you know what wubba lubba dub dub means) wubba lubba dub dub (in my people's tongue it means) I don't give a fuck (i am in great pain) Let's dance bitch (please help me)
(yo DJ, drop that beat)
Someday we will die let's party tonight let's get wrecked up tonight
(it's time to relax)
Can we pretend (can't we just pretend thats everything's fine for a few hours?) Enjoy our selves before we reach the end (enjoy ourselves and worry about all of this later?)
No one belongs anywhere so let's enjoy the song
(Play something. Somebody play something!)
Someday we will die let's party tonight let's get wrecked up tonight