I have spent so many years In fancy lace and beaded gowns, I have set my hair a hundred ways, My face I paint it up and powder it down.
This body bares a telling tale, They pinch my cheek and wish me well. for all their patronizing smiles This frame remains a prison cell. They look at me and what they see Is one more painted china doll. A sweet and cuddled good do well, A painted fan, a sweet treat and the parasol.
Inside of me there lives someone Who never felt a mother's love, Who could have heard the bells on sunday, Kneeling in the church of God, Who would have loved a rainy day And never had to feel the fire. Instead I hunger for the vein That holds the life force I desire.
Imagine walking down the aisle, I'll never have that chance, A wedding dress of virgin white, The very best from France. The arching of a rainbow And the way the colors dance. The miracle of giving birth, I'll never have that chance.