I should leave it alone but the assembly has gathered to hear. The genesis of twin husks crackling between our ears.
This room is larger than it seems. She floats in one corner and speaks with enough heat to melt the paint from the walls. It is too, too hot to cradle that winter's wish, twisting an hour into a universe.
Hesitate. Stay strong friend. It's not the calm we thought it was. We're building a heat. Hesitate, burning back to earth. Not as clever as we thought. It's time to open our eyes.
The patina of her tone turns miracles. I'm a believer. Now my baby's got a problem. When those poltergeist charms come knocking on the walls, it's time to settle down and take the earth for a stroll.
Have I given up? I'll tell you I haven't with a smile reserved for a drink. Circumventing measures just to crush them under the weight. And it's brittle and it's boring yet I still talk as if it matters. And it does. And it doesn't. And it does. And it does.