You must, you must have it all You must have it all figured out It's a picture perfect vision of a life It's what we've been taught to dream about
Looking down on us with condescending eyes They say what you think They say what you mean
Claimed a throne Adorned a crown It's not what you want It's not what you think Take this life you had and throw it away Like everyone else
You're just a victim Distorted vision Defined by corruption You'll just consume yourself
Empirical lies Untested untried Forsaken are those Who don't question life Wandering a such a trap like path Allowing yourself to worship this shrine of gold To worship a shrine of gold
You'll never find a way to overcome this un-fulfillment A golden home that leads to an empty grave A mislead life you don't try and save You'll drown yourself in discontentment You gave away your only choice Sold your soul, all for this shrine of gold
You brought this upon yourself We all have our choice You let them take yours You're nothing more than your crutch Pathetic for knowing But still giving up
A mislead life you don't try and save You'll drown yourself in discontentment You gave away your only choice You sold your soul, all for this shrine of gold
So come a bit closer The secrets a lie The lie is your life So leave it untold Maybe you'll find the truth and throw it away Like everyone else Thrown away Forgotten forsaken Thrown away Just like everyone else Your treading is turning to drowning Fall beneath, fall beneath me
Every gasp you take, you'll forever choke Grab hold to nothing You can only tread water for so long.