You must say things like: Dysdiadochokinesia, You can't say things like: The patient's unable to clap their hands quickly together while turning one over and over and over and over and over, Otherwise they'd know what you meant, So you use Latin words instead, So the buggers'll never discover the meaning behind all the stuff that you said.
You must say things like: Micturate, Defecate, Intercourse, You can't say things like: Pissing and shitting and fuck, Although they're the same, Although it's a pain, You got to use the Latin name,
Like: Hematuria and steatorrhea, Cachexic, Pyrexic, Hepatic, and Splenic, Iatrogenic,
But on the other hand, If they understand, The phrases that you say, Just confuse, And bemuse, By using eponymous names, Like: Hunter's and Ehlers-Danlos, Hurler's and Turner's and Brown-Sequard , And if they understand that, Acronyms are twice as hard...