How to take a history has aways been a mystery? How to find a JVP? How to take a pulse? Asking patients about sex Supinator reflex Skin bumps, necl lumps Now give me a cough! MMR, BCG, Meningitis, DTP Milestones, UC, Crohn's, Coeliac disease Fallot's tetralogy, Different types of allergy, Antenatal screening of congenital disease, Spastic paraplegia, Syringomyelia, Measuring Glasgow coma, extradural haematoma, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Penetrance of Huntington's, HIV, CJD, Syphilitic chancre
Fractured neck of femur, causes of oedema, Aqueous humour, different kinds of tumor, Pneumothorax, DVT, Hepatosplenomegaly, Prostate, Kidney, brest and spleen, Every organ in between
Ehlers-Danlos, Marfan's, Cushing's, Conn's, Addison's, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Alopecia, Dupuytren's, Henoch-Schonlein purpura, Austin-Flint murmur, VSD, DIC, SIADH, Typhoid, Amyloid, Osteo-Rheumatoid, Patients that are paranoid, Movements that are athetoid, Sarcoid, carcinoid, Cushingoid, Mongoloid, Pseudo-pseudo pseudopseudohypoparathyroid
Stuff that you need for Finals (2x)
X-ray, ECG, Basic Cardiology, Neuro, Endo, ENT, Oncology, All of Rheumatology, Bits of Embryology, A level Chemistry, Epidemiology, Haem, Firm, Paeds, Derm, Psyche, Surgery, Rheumo, Ortho So much stuff you need o know! Learning drugs is so much stress! You memorize the BNF! Public health, public health! WHAT THE f**k IS PUBLIC HEALTH?!