Me is a danger Me is a treason Me is a sound of my generation Come with me Support me Melegalisation. Danger, headache, psychopathy and treason Criminal, pain, speed, hidden reason Violence, inflation, sick population Time to be me Megeneration! Each me to born free Now is a fuckin' fashion Follow me, support me Riot is our profession Each me broken for state Each me build generation Follow, support me Melegalisation! Megeneration! Danger, headache, criminal, treason Speed, Sarkozy, kill, hidden reason Murder, MySpace, my generation Time to be me Sick population! Follow me, support me Жить будем счастливо долго и весело Без расстояний и без границ Это наша с тобой конфессия Я опасна для государства Я измена, я преступление Мы остаемся Они уходят Выбор нашего поколения! Me is a danger Me is a treason Me is a sound of my generation Come with me, support me Follow me Megalisation!