HADES Why do we build the wall? / My children, my children Why do we build the wall? ALL Why do we build the wall? / We build the wall to keep us free That’s why we build the wall / We build the wall to keep us free HADES How does the wall keep us free? / My children, my children How does the wall keep us free? ALL How does the wall keep us free? / The wall keeps out the enemy And we build the wall to keep us free / That’s why we build the wall We build the wall to keep us free HADES Who do we call the enemy? / My children, my children Who do we call the enemy? ALL Who do we call the enemy? / The enemy is poverty And the wall keeps out the enemy / And we build the wall to keep us free That’s why we build the wall / We build the wall to keep us free HADES Because we have and they have not! / My children, my children Because they want what we have got! ALL Because we have and they have not! / Because they want what we have got! The enemy is poverty / And the wall keeps out the enemy And we build the wall to keep us free / That’s why we build the wall We build the wall to keep us free HADES What do we have that they should want? / My children, my children What do we have that they should want? ALL What do we have that they should want? / We have a wall to work upon! We have work and they have none / And our work is never done My children, my children / And our war is never won The enemy is poverty / And the wall keeps out the enemy And we build the wall to keep us free / That’s why we build the wall We build the wall to keep us free / We build the wall to keep us free