Killers of delights Visit you so often Naughty world is not paradise Patrols own border How to delete Wild mice of our mind You don’t deserve a meed Out of my sight!
You won’t die the death of hero You are useless big fat zero You’re envious person But you have all on the earth… Why are you unhappy my splendid silly baby Yeah, i think you’re gabby Unhappy, unhappy
Touching people’s smiles are not really sincere everybody lies Likewise you, my dear Do you want us to change the dirty world Find your happiness And try to hold
You won’t die the death of hero You are useless big fat zero You’re envious person But you have all on the earth… Why are you unhappy my splendid silly baby Yeah, i think you’re gabby Unhappy, unhappy
You’re the only one who will find a way to happiness