Heaven is Hell and nothing is true This is the end for me and for You. Nothing was taken, nothing was given, nothing was written... I'm leaving...
Waiting for answer You stand on Your knees, waiting and praying: \"Answer me please!!!\" You are so weak, You are so blind - nothing to to hide and nothing to find. Hiding youself in the fear of a death, getting so numb in cold emptiness. Trembling and twisting, praying for love... Collapsing mind, empty inside... madness You strive...
Looking at You I realize, light, You would die for, has taken Your eyes. You are so clean, You are so bright, empty and dried... Staying away, standing aside I understand the nature of light: it makes You clean, it makes You so blind...
Craving and praying You're loosing yourself... Breathing the light, sensless and deaf... Crying and laughing You're going mad... Light is condensing, filling Your head, wiping Your thoughts, tearing Your brain, making You thoughtless again and again... You are confused, you're in a mess... Blinded by light You hold Your breath... right to the death...