Rewrite all and find the reason. Rewrite all to what I should tell. Rewrite all armed with anger. 不安が消えないなら
Forget all and find the answer. Forget all to madness wake up. Forget all for proceeds to ruin. 再起動の夜明け
言葉失ったままで 手足を食尽され気づく 一瞬で景色は変わる 君に息つく暇も与えず
見渡せば そう四面楚歌の世界 目を開けて 空回る 虚しく平和祈る唄 無意味に漂うだけ
Rewrite all and find the reason. Rewrite all to what I should tell. Rewrite all armed with anger. 不安が消えないなら Forget all and find the answer. Forget all to madness wake up. Forget all for proceeds to ruin. 再起動の夜明け
Rewrite all and find the reason. Rewrite all to what I should tell. Rewrite all armed with anger. 嘆くよりマシさ Forget all and find the answer. Forget all to madness wake up. Forget all for proceeds to ruin. 繰り返す幕開け Rewrite all... Forget all... Transcends all...