نفسى احبك حب تانى حب فية كل المعانى Nefsi a7ebak 7ob tani, 7ob fi kol el ma3ani I wish to love you another kind of love, a love full of all meaning
حب يخلى غرورك؟؟ويخليك يا حبيبى انانى 7ob yekhali ghrourak ye3la.. w yekhaleek ya 7abibi anaani A love that makes your jealousy rise.. and makes you selfish, my dear
عشان يوم ما تفكر ؟؟ او تنسانى ماتلاقيش الا 3alashan yom ma tfaker teb3ad aw tensaani, matla2eesh ela So that you never think about leaving me or forgetting me, you won't find
انت؟؟ترجع تانى enta la2aytou, terga3 taani Anything better than what you have already found, so you come back to me again
نفسى احبك حب تانى حبة فية كل المعانى Nefsi a7ebak 7ob tani, 7ob fi kol el ma3ani I wish to love you another kind of love, a love full of all meaning
نفسي تحس كل لحظة تعيشها جنبى وتفتكرها Nefsi te3sha2 kol la7za t3eesh-ha ganbi w teftekerha I wish you long for every moment you live beside me and you recall it
يعنى اسيبلك ذكريات مستحيل تنساها بغيرها Ya3ni aseeblak zekrayat mosta7eel tensaha bghayrha Basically I want to leave you memories that are impossible to forget with another lover