Yakko: Heigh Ho, Dayaknow, the names of the US residents who than became the presidents and got a view from the White House loo off Pennsylvania Avenue...
Wakko: George Washington was the first, you see, He once chopped down a cherry tree. Dot: President number two would be John Adams, and then number three...
Yakko: Tom Jefferson stayed up to write A declaration late at night. So he and his wife had a great big fight And she made him sleep on the couch all night.
Wakko: James Madison never had a son And he fought the War of 1812. Dot: James Monroe's colossal nose Was bigger than Pinocchio's.
Yakko: John Quincy Adams was number six And it's Andrew Jackson's butt he kicks. So Jackson learns to play politics. Next time, he's the one that the country picks.
Dot: Martin Van Buren, number eight For a one-term shot as chief of state. Yakko: William Harrison, how do ya praise? That guy was dead in thirty days!
Wakko: John Tyler he liked country folk... Dot: And after him came President Polk.
Yakko: Zachary Taylor liked to smoke, His breath killed friends whenever he spoke. Wakko: 1850, really nifty, Millard Fillmore's in. Yakko: Young and fierce was Franklin Pierce, The man without a chin.
Dot: Followin' next a period spannin' Four long years with James Buchanan. Then the south starts shootin' cannons And we got a Civil War.
The Warners: A war!A war down south in Dixie!
Yakko: Up to bat comes old Abe Lincoln. Dot: There's a guy who's really thinkin'!
Wakko: Kept the United States from shrinkin', Saved the ship of state from sinkin'! Dot: Andrew Johnson's next, He had some slight defects.
Wakko: Congress each would impeach... Dot: And so the country now elects...
Yakko: Ulysses Simpson Grant, Who would scream and rave and rant...
Wakko: While drinkin' whiskey, although risky, 'Cause he'd spill it on his pants.
Yakko: It's 1877 and the Democrats would gloat. But they're all amazed when Rutherford Hayes Wins by just one vote.
Dot: James Garfield someone really hated 'Cause he was assassinated. Wakko: Chester Arthur gets instated. Four years later, he was traded...
Dot: For Grover Cleveland, really fat, Elected twice as a Democrat. Then Benjamin Harrison, after that, It's William McKinley up to bat.
Yakko: Teddy Roosevelt charged up San Juan Hill. Wakko: And President Taft, he gets the bill. Yakko: In 1913, Woodrow...
The Warners: Wiiiiillllllllllson Takes us into World War I!
Yakko: Warren Harding, next in line. Dot: It's Calvin Coolidge, he does fine. Wakko: And then in 1929, The market crashes and we find... Yakko: It's Herbert Hoover's big debut. He gets the blame and loses to... Dot: Franklin Roosevelt, President who Helped us win in World War II. Wakko: Harry Truman, weird little human, Serves two terms and when he's done...
Yakko: It's Eisenhower who's got the power From '53 to '61. Dot: John Kennedy had Camelot Then Lyndon Johnson took his spot. Yakko: Richard Nixon, he gets caught And Gerald Ford fell down a lot.
Wakko: Jimmy Carter liked campaign trips. Yakko: And Ronald Reagan's speeches' scripts All came from famous movie clips, And President Bush said, "Read my lips."
Dot: Now in Washington, DC... Wakko: There's Democrats and the GOP... Yakko: But the ones in charge are plain to see... Dot: The Clintons, Bill and Hillary!
Yakko: The next President to lead the way, Well, it might just be yourself one day. Then the press'll distort everything you say..