Cinderella: Mother cannot guide you. Now you're on your own. Only me beside you. Still, you're not alone. No one is alone. Truly. No one is alone. LRRH: I wish.. Cinderella: I know. Mother isn't here now Baker: Wrong things, right things Cinderella: Who knows what she'd say? Baker: Who can say what's true? Cinderella: Nothings quite so clear now. Baker: Do things, fight things, Cinderella: Feel you've lost your way? Baker: You decide, but Both: You are not alone Cinderella: Believe me, No one is alone Baker: No one is alone. Believe me. Cinderella: Truly Both: People make mistakes. Baker: Fathers, Cinderella: Mothers, Both: People make mistakes, Holding to their own, Thinking they're alone. Cinderella: Honor their mistakes
Cinderella: Everybody makes
Baker: Fight for their mistakes
Both: One another's terrible mistakes. Witches can be right, Giants can be good. You decide what's right you decide what's good Cinderella: Just remember: Baker: [Echo] Just remember: Both: Someone is on your side Jack, LRRH: OUR side Baker, Cinderella: Our side-- Someone else is not While we're seeing our side Jack, LRRH: Our side.. Baker, Cinderella: Our side-- All: Maybe we forgot: they are not alone. No one is alone. Someone is on your side No one is alone.
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