They call the us a free country Well it's not and you know it It's nothing but facism, Capitalism, and fear They've lying and we're crying out to everyone Here we can fight back We can fight back They're got us bowing on our knees We can stop them We can fight back
We want anarchy! We won't take no! We won't take.. We want anarchy! We will fight back We will fight back
Can't buy a beer, Can't buy cigarettes But I can die fighting for that freedom That freedom that they've taken away We can fight back The taxes-every time you buy a beer you Fuckin' pay them
You give them all your money While you drink your life away If we are all united We can take back our lives While they stand divided We can fight them and their laws If we get up off our knees We can show them that we are people We can take back this "free" country We can have an anarchy
There is freedom for all people They contradict this everyday There are laws against the Cubans There are laws against the gays There is freedom of religion We can choose any of them all But the Christians rule this country And the priests are above the law