Goddess we will always be together even when we're not we could not possibly be severed we're bonded for all of existence when I walk with you flora blossoms in scents, you cleanse the horrors from my thoughts like wafting incense even lost in the darkness your aura guides me like rocks did giants when they fought with tyrants, you have the most awesome mind, you're constantly on mine, your body was wrought divinely, I miss you each moment that we're not aligned, where would I be, what would I do, where would I go if we could not be or grow together? I'm so into you there's no clever poem I could compose that would show you an inkling, I wish I could've written enough flows to whisk you away on an ocean of prose & poetry on a soulful boat we could journey on, it's crazy and amazing how you turn me on, I stay dazed for days & word you songs to play so you can remember, gazing at you is like blazing embers in the fire of Shakti, there is no higher Bhakti or Dharma Sanatana than to serve you, Truth could not be spoken or observed enough to show you my Love, opuses will grow & float like doves in speecheless gardens I seek you for uniqueness & solace, I will always want you, (je te voudrai toujours), tous les jours j'ai le souffle court, (I'm short of breath) j'suis essouflé comme une course jour et nuit, (I'm breathless like a race day and night), tu es mon couplet de Vie (you are my verse of Life), tout ce que je te dis est vrai (all that I tell you is true), ça m'effraie d'etre loin de toi (it scares me to be far from you), j'ai Besoin de toi (I need you), tiens moi dans tes bras (hold me in your arms I plead you), étreins moi dans des draps de soie (hug me in silk sheets), enlace moi jusqu'a ce qu'on trépasse et qu'on passe dans l'au-delà (intertwine bodies with mine till we die and transcend into the higher realms), boddhi svaha, (beyond enlightenment) Boddhisattvas, I am as lonely as magma without a volcano's crater when I'm not staying in your place or you in mine, sated from your grace, you're truly my wine when I taste it from a sacred chalice, mon Saint-Graal, I'll face malice & pace till I attain balance quand bien même que j'deviendrais bien hâve(even if I were to become so hollow), mais j'deviendrai bien sage (but I will become very wise & knowledgeable), et dans ces pages mon encéphale retentira pour qu'enfin on se pâme (and in these pages my brain will resound so that finally people will praise you astoundingly) as they overstand these psalms & soberly glance at Dawn in your countenance...