In the days when I struggle, Dazed & in trouble I pray for aid from above When I say that I Love you It's so much more than I could ever express in benevolent texts, Neverending tests But you sense it & bless me Like sensi & sess Sentient vestal You are much rarer Than the crystal You bear on your finger I would dare to linger In the air you inhale So you could feel me inside you & feel alive truly There is no ruler That could subdue me but you... I would pursue thee To the ends of endless scores of horrors & we'd transmute them to cosmic gardens Like Enki & Ninhursaga splicing life From our sentient fathers & mothers Goddess you hover above all of this In thoughts, watch & discover I promise we will walk in the summer Of Satya Yuga where the Sun will author blueprints Of forgotten students Lost civilizations' shoeprints in the moss Akashic glossaries pondered I'll honour your awesome offspring Talk & sing softly these wrought hymns For Allat's kin & lost djinns T'es ma Ma'at, ma Bastet (You're my Ma'at, my Bastet) Ma basse tête un casse-tête (My slumped head is a puzzle) Grâce à tes sept grâces (Thanks to your Seven Graces) Tu m'guette, tu m'empêches (You watch me, you stop me) d'être dans des messes basses (From being in dark rituals) N'est-ce pas? C'est toi qui es (Isn't it true? It's you who are) Ma jeunesse hâve Que tu m'as ramenée (My hollow youth that you brought me back) J'étais damné, condamné (I was damned, condemned) Maintenant j'reste pâmé (Now I'm breathless in front of you) Déesse tu es ma mana (Goddess you're my energy) Eres mi ganja, sattva (You're my ganja, my truth/being) Comme Pancha Tattvamakam (Like Lord Caitanya (an avatar of Krishna) Krishnam Bhakta Rupa Svarupakam (This is his mantra, which is dedicated to Krishna's wife, Radha) Bhaktavataram, Bhaktakyam Namami Bhakta Shaktikam You are the Shakti to my Kalki/Kikwaakew Without thee, j'pourrais pas voir tout (I couldn't see everything) En toi, j'pourrais savoir tout (In you, I could learn everything) Mes noires soirées au regard fou (My dark nights with crazy eyes) Disparaissent à l'horizon (Dissapear in the horizon) Comme mes faiblesses moribondes (Like my dying weaknesses) D'autres sont furibonds ou furax (Others are frustrated or insanely angry)Mais sans toi j'sens pas mes jambes (But without you I can't feel my legs) J'suis cul-de-jatte, amputé de mon but vaste (I'm handicapped, amputated from my vast goal) J'vais nulle-part j'sais plus quoi dire (I'm going nowhere, I don't know what to say) Comme un sultan dans un mirage d'oasis (Like a sultan in an oasis' mirage) Ton visage me rassasie, j'vois pas d'vices (Your facial features quench my thirst, I don't see vices) Dans tes actions, j'vois qu'la Matrice (in your actions... I only see the Matrix) Et ses agents, j'les évite (& its agents, I avoid them) Mais aussi j'les clash dans des bastons (But I also fight them in brawls) Ils m'dévisagent parce que j'marche (They stare at me because I walk) Dans des bas-fonds, demi-sage (In ghettos, half-sage) Comme Vishnu petit garçon (Like Vishnu as a small boy) Alyssa I miss you, j'm'égare dans des contrées (I'm wandering in lands) Et des mares sombres (And dark swamps) Mais j'vais pas m'empêtrer (But I won't get bogged up) J'deviendrai p'têt un insecte (I might become an insect) Et j'nagerai dans mon impiété (And I'll swim in my sins) Ou un arbre aux racines enchevêtrées (Or a tree whose roots are tangled) Ou des p'tites bêtes viennent se tapir (And where little creatures come to nestle) Ou s'assir comme des tapirs (Or sit in like tapirs) You're my lavish galactic Radha Et j't'admire (And I admire you) J'vais pas t'fuir, ou détaler (I won't ditch you or disappear) M'enfuire, ça va pas? (Run away, are you kidding?) J'sais ou j'dois aller (I know where I must go) Des montagnes et des vallées (Mountains & valleys) Yea though I walk In a rainbow forest I won't stray & be morbid You're my fortress, my forcefield Raising my aura I pray to arrays of radiant gods But I will say this You're every shade of the Goddess You blossom with every painting you author Every saying you wrought Is amazing, I can't wait To raise a Savior & Deity gorgeous With you, & scores of babies Lost in cosmic rifts Reborn in these lores As the Dawn is shifting The morning mists Lift me with songs of Bliss Gongs hit in Tibetan temples Blessings essential in messages transcendental Trances meant to tantrically tempt you To dance in a Zen mood You are my penned beauty... My samadhi endless, truly