my attempt... don't have any hasitate to correcting it
ندمان ع عمري اللي مرق nedman 3a 3omri elly mara2 * I regret about my life had slavered
زعلان قلبي اللي احترق za3lan albi elly e7tara2 * the frustration of my heart is on fire
نشفو دموعي ع الورق تعبان neshfo dmou3i 3al ware2, ta3ban * we see my tears on paper, I'm tired guess paper of love letter
معقول قلبك من حجر ma32ool albik mn 7ajar? * does it possible that your heart is from a stone? from a stone=very stubborn
ما بترحمني قلبي انكسر ma bter7mni albi enkasar? I won't forgive you, my heart has broken
مجروح بكيتي البشر... زعلان majrou7 bokyti el bashar... za3laan * being hurt, I cry of you, man... I'm frustrated
ضحيت كرمالك انا da7ayt kermalik ana * I sacrificed, I'm being generous to you
ورأسي لغيرك ما نحنى w rase la ghayrik ma n7ana * and my head beside you, it won't tender (for another person)
حبيت من قلبي انا ويا ريت ما حبيت 7abayt men albi ana, w ya rayt ma 7abayt * I loved you from my heart, and I thought you didn't
بعتي الموده والهنا ba3ti, el mawada, welhana * I brought you the love and happiness
والناس عرفت شو بنا wennas 3erfet shu bena * and people knew what happen with us
دقيت ع بابك انا ويا ريت ما دقيت da2ayt 3a babik ana, w ya rayt ma da2ayt!! * I knocked on your door, and I thought you didn't I guess here he mean her heart's door
نسيتي لما عطيتي وعد nseeti lama 3atayti wa3d? * you forgot when you brought a promise
ع العمر ما نترك بعض 3al 3omr ma netrok ba3d? * along the life you can't wait a little
انتي ياللي اخترت البعد .. رح روح inti yale ekhtarte bo3d... ra7 rou7 * you, just choose the distance, go away the soul
رايح ما بدي ودعك بعدي اكيد موجعك raya7 ma bidi wad3ik, bo3di akid mwaja3ik * go away, I don't wanna send you off, being far away from me surely you'll feel painful
ما عاد بدي رجعك .. مجروح ma 3ad bidi raja3ik, majrouu7! * don't return, I don'