Dormant nightmares, reoccurring- Staked in the night by unnatural beasts. Twisted faces, so disturbing, Far too real to be a dream Feeling the fear of isolation, Lost in a land so far from home. Darkness is my one companion- Destroying my soul You see demons hiding in the dark. You start to run but find you cannot move...
In the city, city of shadows: Chaos, bound by an evil force. In the city, city of shadows: Silent destruction, with no remorse.
Lifeless streets are lying in ruin, Blackened skies to condemn the sun. In the night, the fire's still burning, Searching the dark horizon. Black fates have come to conspire; Flames erupt, surrounding me. Creatures - rising from the fires - unholy city. You see fires burning in the night. You'd better pray the gods are watching you...
In the city, city of shadows: Chaos, bound by an evil force. In the city, city of shadows: Silent destruction, with no remorse.