Ren Woods ٠ 1979 ٠ Hair OST ٠ Galt MacDermot, Tom Pierson, Gerome Ragni, Jim Rado ٠ AGP
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< Orchestra intro >
When the Moon is in the seventh house And Jupiter aligns with Mars Then peace will gu-u-uide the planets And lo-ove will steer the stars!
{This is the dawni'ing o'of the'e Age of Aquarius, (The) Age of Aquarius! Aquari-ius! Aqua-a-ariu-us!}
Harmony and understanding, Sympathy and trust abo'o'ounding, No more falsehoods or derisions, Golden living dreams of visions, Mystic crystal revelation And the mind's true libera-ation. Aquariu-aaa-aaa-a-au! (Aquarius!) {Aquarius!}
Whe-en the Moon is in the seventh house And Jupiter aligns with Mars Then peace will gu-u-uide the planets (ooh-uh-, ooh-uh-) And lo-ove (and lo-o-o-o-ove...) {will steer the stars}.
{This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, (The) Age of Aquari-iii-u-us, Aqua-ari-iu-u-} U-whoa-u-whoa-u-whoa-u-whoa-u-whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-us.
< Orchestra interlude >
{Harmony and understanding, Sympathy and trust abo'o'ounding, No more falsehoods or derisions, Golden living dreams of visions, Mystic crystal revelation And the mind's true libera-ation. Aquari-ius! (Ah-ah-ah-, ah-, ah-) Aqua-aaa-aaa-rius! Aquari-ius! Aqua-a-a-ariu-us! Aquarius!}