Ragheb Alama : أمان أمان أماااااان ياااا دنياااااا Aman Aman ya dunya Oh oh! this difficult world..
انا ضايع من دونك حبيبي Ana daye3 mn dunak habibi I'm lost without you, darling ومن دونك هالدنيا غريبة we mn dunak hal denye 3'aribe And without you, this world is strange ومن دونك هالدنيا شو غريبة we mn dunak hal denye shu 3'aribe And without you, what a strange world!
أنا بعدك مش حابب حياتي Ana ba3dak mesh 7abeb hayati After you (without u) I don't love my life عم بحكي وبيضيعو كلماتي 3m be7ki o bidi3o kelimatii I talk, my words are being lost
Aşkın Nur Yengi : Sevdik ya That we made it, to love pişman değiliz ya That we made it, not to be regretful tuttuk ya sımsıkı bir birimizi şu dünyada That we made it, to hold each other tightly in this world...!
Ragheb Alama : عم غني وأنت كثير مزعلني 3m ganni we inta ktir mza3elni I'm singing while u're making me sad ولا كلمة بتطمني wala kelme bettammini And there's no word can comfort me قاتلني بعدك عني 2aatelni bu3dak 3anni Being away of you is killing me
Aşkın Nur Yengi : İflah olmaz bir aşk mahkumu An uncurable love-condemned one Çıkıyor son seferine doğuş mu? Gets out to his last journey, is it birth? Ne çıkarsa bahtına, küsmez ona Whatever turns out to be his fate, he won't get upset at it
Ragheb Alama : أنا ماشي وعم أحكي لحالي Ana mashi o 3am e7ki la 7ali I'm walking, talking to myself وعيونك حبيبي عبالي We 3younak habibi 3a bali While your eyes are on my mind (thinking of ur eyes) x2
عم غني وروحي عم تطلع مني 3m ganni o ruhi 3m tetla3 menni I'm singing while my soul is going out of me قلبي عم بيجنني albi 3m yejanini My hear is driving me crazy قاتلني بعدك عني 2aatelni bu3dak 3anni Being away of you is killing me
Aşkın Nur Yengi : Sevdik ya* That we made it, to love Meydan okuduk da And that we challenged! Kalpsiz yaşayıp da And to love heartless... Ölmekten iyidir inan Believe me, [doing] that is better than to die