What the world needs right now! And i mean right now more than ever! Is Salvation!
The question remains to be answered Who can save humanity from itself
I have one candidate in mind A candidate that?d challange all the one way communication
im gonna let the music be my language!
Toro mikham Toro mikham in dele man, kheyli naze to mikhat Gole man
Toro mikham Toro mikham in dele man, kheyli naze to mikhat azizam
ey dele maan, asheghe tam, kashke mishodi faghat maale man
I live by the golden rules, and it should you want to worth this, as you would have to and to you! and you will soon see that love is all around To conquer all the manish day in strictly universal, coz music is my language
Toro mikham Toro mikham in dele man, kheyli naze to mikhat Gole man
Toro mikham Toro mikham in dele man, kheyli naze to mikhat azizam
ey dele maan, asheghe tam, kashke mishodi faghat maale man
No more culture clash, if yall get up and dance, like a wise man said it once! Give me some chance, do the right thing! And stop doing all the damage! If you listen when i speak! i guarantee we hit the peak, I Tell you WHY!
Coz Music Is Language!!
What the world needs right now! And i mean right now more than ever! Is Salvation!
The question remains to be answered Who can save humanity from itself
I have one candidate in mind A candidate that'd challange all the one way communication
im gonna let the music be my language!
I want you I want you My heart really wants your touch, my flower
I want you I want you My heart really wants your touch, my flower
Oh my heart, I'm in love with you, If only you were only mine
I live by the golden rules, and it should you want to worth this, as you would have to and to you! and you will soon see that love is all around To conquer all the manish day in strictly universal, coz music is my language
I want you I want you My heart really wants your touch, my flower
I want you I want you My heart really wants your touch, my flower
Oh my heart, I'm in love with you, If only you were only mine
No more culture clash, if yall get up and dance, like a wise man said it once! Give me some chance, do the right thing! And stop doing all the damage! If you listen when i speak! I guarantee we hit the peak, I Tell you WHY!
Cuz Music Is Language!
То, что мир нуждается прямо сейчас! И я имею в виду, прямо сейчас более, чем когда-либо! - Спасение!
Остается вопрос, на который можно ответить Кто может спасти человечество от самого себя
У меня один кандидат в виду Кандидат, что?d наша задача все один способ связи
Im gonna let the music быть на моем языке!
Торо mikham Торо mikham В dele человек, kheyli naze к mikhat Голе человек
Торо mikham Торо mikham В dele человек, kheyli naze к mikhat azizam
Ey dele МААН, asheghe там, kashke mishodi faghat maale человек
Я живу золотые правила, и это должны вы хотите стоит это, как вы бы к И для вас! и скоро вы увидите, что любовь все вокруг Чтобы победить все Маниш день в строго универсальные, потому что музыка-мой язык
Торо mikham Торо mikham В dele человек, kheyli naze к mikhat Голе человек
Торо mikham Торо mikham В dele человек, kheyli naze к mikhat azizam
Ey dele МААН, asheghe там, kashke mishodi faghat maale человек
Не более столкновения культур, если, во вставать и плясать, как мудрый человек как-то сказали! Дай мне хоть какой-то шанс, делать правильные вещи! И прекратите делать все поврежде