Jeto dhe jeten time po e deshe eja dhe merre, vei§ jeto......
Ata qe s'duan dashurine nuk dine se i§'eshte miresia folene e ngrene ne erresire edhe mbi ty leshojne stuhira
Se jane mesuar te zvarriten te te helmojne pastaj te vdesin pa prekur trupin tend te ngrohur nga afshi i puthjes, ledhatimit
Dhe pena ime nis e shkruan kaq e lodhur nga mundimi erkon nga ty dhe merr dy fjale dhe ndalet lumi, zemerimi
Te Dua, Te Dua, Te Dua o fjale hyjnore e esaj bote u peshperite nga buze e dashuruar qe fryme ty te dhane
Shume te erkova gjersa te gjeta dhe nese vdes mos u trishto por ti jeto....
Neper rruget e dashurise enden enget dhe legjendat neper vargjet e poetit zemren ka ajo
Dhe ne vija pentagramesh derdhet shpirti i nje artisti por dicka pa thene ka mbetur le te tjeret ta tregojne...
Jeto dhe jeten time po e deshe eja dhe merre, vei§ jeto...
Ata qe s'duan dashurine nuk dine se i§'eshte miresia folene e ngrene ne erresire edhe mbi ty leshojne stuhira
Se jane mesuar te zvarriten te te helmojne pastaj te vdesin pa prekur trupin tend te ngrohur nga afshi i puthjes, ledhatimit
Dhe pena ime nis e shkruan kaq e lodhur nga mundimi erkon nga ty dhe merr dy fjale dhe ndalet lumi, zemerimi
Te Dua Te Dua Te Dua o fjale hyjnore e esaj bote u peshperite nga buze e dashuruar qe fryme ty te dhane...
Shume te erkova gjersa te gjeta dhe nese vdes mos u trishto por ti....
Dhe jeten time po e deshe... eja dhe merre por ti jeto...
Live my life as well
live… my life as well if you want it Come and get it. Just live! Those that don’t want love Don’t know what goodness is But make and stretch darkness And on you they throw on storms They are used to crawl, to poison you and then die, Without touching your warmed body from breath of heated kiss and fondling. And my pen starts and writes, so tired from hardship Searches from you and takes two words, Which stop the flow of angriness I love you, I love you, I love you…divine word of this world, Whispered from “in love” lips that breath gave to you, I searched for you so long, until I found you! And if I die, don’t get sad. Live! On the streets of love, Drift songs and legends, On the verses of poets her heart is, And on the lines of music notes the sole of an artist is poured, But there is something unsaid…let the others tell it.
live… my life as well if you want it Come and get it. Just live! Those that don’t want love Don’t know what goodness is But make and stretch darkness And on you they throw on storms They are used to crawl, to poison you and then die, Without touching your warmed body from breath of heated kiss and fondling. And my pen starts and writes, so tired from hardship Searches from you and takes two words, Which stop the flow of angriness I love you(të dua), I love you(të dua) I love you(të dua)…divine word of this world, Whispered from in love lips that breath gave to you, I searched for you so long, until I found you! And if I die, don’t get sad. But you…….. Even my life if you want it, come and take it. But you, live!