age bi to tanham,if i am alone without u goosheyi neshastam,i am siting in a corner toyi too vojoodam,you are in my existance bi to ba to hastam, without you i am with you age sabze sabzam, if i am green too hoojoome paeiz, in autumn's attacking zare zareye man, each part of me az to shode labriz, fills from you ey hamishe marham, my permanent balm vase darde delham, for my heart's pains atre to hamishe, your smelling always jari too nafasham, is flowing in my breath ey ke taro poodam, all of my parts az yade to bi tos, is thinking to you ba mani vali baz, you are with me but doorim az ham baz, we are far from togehter bi to ba to boodan, without you with you shode shabo roozam, is my night & day bi toamo yadet, i am without you but your memory ba mane hanoozam, still is with me toyi tooye harfam, you are in my talks toyi too nafasham, you are in my breath vali jaye dastat, but location of your hands khaliye too dastam, is absence in my hands ghadre shogho yade baroon,? ? pajmorde nemishan, ? teshneye ye ghatram amma, i am thirsty for one drop sardo delazordeh nemisham, but i am not sad sakhte vaghti bi to ghazalha, it's hard when poems az mano to vajeyi nist, have not any words from me & you sakhte bi to ba to boodan, it's hard without you sakhte amma chareyi nist, it's hard but there is not any way bi to ba to boodan, without you with you shode shabo roozam, is my night & day bi toamo yadet, i am without you but your memory ba mane hanoozam, still is with me toyi tooye harfam, you are in my talks toyi too nafasham, you are in my breath vali jaye dastat, but location of your hands khaliye too dastam, is absence in my hands