Ani ve'ata neshaneh et ha'olam ani ve'ata az yavo'u kvar kulam Amru et zeh kodem lefanai lo meshaneh, ani ve'ata neshaneh et ha'olam.
Ani ve'ata nenaseh mehahatchalah yihyeh lanu ra ein davar zeh lo nora. Amru et zeh kodem lefanai zeh lo meshaneh, ani ve'ata neshaneh et ha'olam.
You and I we'll change the world you and I by then all will follow Others have said it before me but doesn't matter you and I we'll change the world.
You and I we'll try from the beginning it will be tough for us, no matter, it's not too bad! Others have said it before me but it doesn't matter you and I we'll change the world.