Black Earth, white mistress Enter the Gates of Death Out of the Lands we know Where sleeps the sorrow Bright Light of Nights Out of the Gates of the Living The Land of No Return Where sins are dogma
The roots of decline around her In extase, sitting on her throne A vision of despair Governing the underworld Funeral rites in the realms of the dead Virgins' purity abused
A vision of sadness Governing the netherworld Black Earth, white mistress Enter the Gates of Death Out of the Lands we know Where sleeps the sorrow
Rejected like a leprous The heart filled with rancor A vision of hatred Governing the underworld Directing the wandering souls Nourished by their frankness A vision of revenge Governing the netherworld
Out of the realms of living man Beyond the lands out of your range Enter the gates and see her reign Mistress of the damned souls
Believing in forgiveness But killed in cold blood Hung with a hook on the wall I'll look at them suffering Believing In forgiveness But executed In cold blood
Crawling like vermins The vultures in the sky
Crawling like vermins The vultures will gather in the sky The smell of decomposition Will embalm Believing In forgiveness But executed In cold blood
The roots of the decline around her She directs the wandering souls Funeral rites of the realm of the dead Govern the underworld