Darwin grandson of a poet also of a potter was brought up by his sister when his mother was dead at 16 he knew about the classics he thought he'd be a doctor he studied for a while in Edinburgh the surgeons used no anesthesia he wondered 'bout the clergy and off he went to Cambridge where he earned a degree but insects intrigued him more than preaching and so he joined the Beagle and found a perfect niche there as a naturalist come on! Darwin was bitten by an insect never did he suspect he suffered all his life from Chaga's disease he married his cousin Emma Wedgewood they had a lot of children 15 miles from London in a big country house come on! the booby and the noddy heads are stupid feet are gaudy but they never saw nobody 'til we said hello the fauna oughta fear us and the thought of comin' near us but they never saw nobody 'til we said hello Darwin pondered variation the reasons for mutation he wasn't feeling good but he had money and time he published "The Origin of Species by Natural Selection" a lot of people didn't want to be descended from apes