You've lost your fucking mind. I can't staaaaaand The Evil that's happening It's your disgrace. Your blindness made this evil raaaaaaaise!
the edge!
Verse 2:
Chaos's close, you cannot catch it. Reasons can be no more mentioned Fears close. havoc's close enough! There's no chance for us to feel it, we have crushed the way to heal.
We're wasting Time We'll stend a while and die
Chorus 1:
Don't waste my time You've lost enough to ruin your life I want to stend not just a while. Don't' ruin mine!
Chorus 1.1:
Don't be so naive. You cannot see your life
You are blind!
Chorus 2:
You are so principal to care About all you've lost. It is not what we need We all became beasts