A storm of ashes burning my skin, I can't breath, I can't see! "Where the hell Did I awake?" Blinded by red dust I can't see but a blurred scheme of a tall man, "Tell me, where am I?"
You are where the sun never rises, where no ligths but fire shine, where the rotten stenge of dead flesh corrupts you mortal mind, You are caught in a cruel nightmare, infected by the bligth. Don't fear, you'll suffer at first but then become divine.
Your skin will dry and break , you flesh will fall apart you change slowly into a distorted monster, Tentacles growing out of your face, breaking your jaw and blinding you forever Yet you will see the last and only truth
As soon as you awake, you shall be called son of Veloth! Claim our throne and ring the bells of the mighty sixth House! As soon as you awake, you shall be called son of Veloth! Claim our throne and ring the bells of the mighty sixth House!