Answer the questions or fill in the gaps with what you hear: 1. What stage is finale on? 2. What do Steve Semel, Mark Goldman, and Chris Nelson form? 3. I know. But it's great, because they're all really talented artists ______________, and sort of—everyone works very collaborative—throws their notes in, and it's kind of a fun and crazy process of actually putting the finale together, so.. 4. What are Lapidus and Sun suspected of? 5. "I'm completely ___________ that Locke is still alive. I've never seen anything like this before in my life." 6. Was Ben honestly surprised to see John Locke alive? 7. Does Damon know what lies in the shadow of the statue? 8. What is the moral of the “what lies in the shadow of the statue” story? 9. What would Damon’s guess be? 10. What/Who is Carlton worried about? 11. What did show need at this stage? 12. If Damon was Sawyer would he choose Kate or Juliet? 13. What is another crazy theory about Karl’s parents? 14. Why did some items disappear and others didn't when individuals were shifting through time? 15. What may be one of the explanation for Charlotte’s body not moving in time? 16. "I understand that 'whatever happened, happened'. But let me play ___________ for a moment”. 17. Is it possible that Jack actually caused Ben to become Ben by deciding not to help him 18. And I think the question of whether these events are kind of ________ a part of __________, or whether they are __________ is a question that the characters are now starting to really wrestle with. 19. Will the end of Lost be heartwarming or heartbreaking? 20. If D&C could be a character on Lost, who would you be, and why? 21. How exactly did Ben outgrow his need for glasses? 22. If Damon and Carlton were ever to show up on Lost as characters, who would play them?