1. What is Kris White back from? 2. What is something Damon wanted to ask Carlton about later? 3. Did Dogen know that Sayid would kill him? 4. Which is one of D&C's of our favorite episodes of the, of the season if not the series? 5. What is the main theme of Dr. Linus? 6. What is "The freighter of doom."? 7. What was the name of Carlton's cat? What is his attitude to cats? 8. Will we get to know who was responsible or behind the dropping of the palette of DHARMA food that lands on the Island? 9. What is/was the significance of Annie? 10. Why was Kate's name crossed out in the cave? 11. What did Carlton compare to being punched by mike Tyson? 12. What do The Smoke Monster and Coconut Milk explain? 13. Who's Fabio? 14. Was Jacob also immortal because he touched himself?