Nineteen Thirty Six An Icon of evil Broadcast into space At the speed of light
A Space faring beholder ears trained to the void with vast cosmic knowledge yearning to share the enigmatic laws of the universe
A message received a message returned Buried in prime numbers a framework for universal solidarity
An uprising of joy Premonitions of pain Is this word of God? Is this life from beyond?
A dodecahedron falls Through the heart of atomic structure Piercing through the fabric of space and time
\"A tingling in the spine A catch in the voice A faint sensation of a distant memory as if falling from a great height\" - C. Sagan
Lost between immensity and eternity A new cosmic perspective
Thrust into the ocean of space and time Yearning to catch wind of intelligence that antedates the universe
A puzzling axiom We struggled against the counterintuitive In direct contradiction to our prejudices The past proliferators of falsehood Now bow in shame to the paragon of truth.