I will journey to abysses of blackstill waters i will wade into their warm embrace i will immerse myself in gentle fingers that softly sway my everdense corporeal form this summer sea, crowded with small jellies like gooseberries, dangling their tendrils wash in against my legs and belly, stinging like small bitter fires I will see a star, late rising as waves lift my legs, to hang evanescent, suspended in flowy matter skin blazing under medusazoac lances under blackcloaked sky, glittering as if punctured by diamond needles this light i hold has finally been extinguished thin openings emerge over ricepaper encasements and bursting with clouds of crimson, i am freed through burgundy slits, spirits clamor and escape through unending waters, this sanguine dowry curls and billows across pulsing epochs a fluid thrumming, ebbing, flowing, in harmonic synchrony all is one, all is one, all is one, within, without my vision sinks to murky cumulations submersed in wat'ry arms of adoring seas i am born anew