Tired of roaming among lie-thirsty deceitful living creatures Snubbing their stinking venomous acts like escaping pestilence I can’t hold down that nausea towards these lugubrious beings Force-fed of vain hopes and waiting patiently their ends to come
Claustrophobic but confined in my own expended carnal prison Doomed to endure seeing them smiling, breathing, crying and living Watching them disguise their falsity and emphasize their sociality To finally decide to betray the faithful ones they’re supposed to appreciate
Willing to crush their bones with my own hands and leave them in misery To make them pay their fallacious betrayals and striking disloyalty The lacerate their flesh and make them drink their own impure blood To finally break their necks and leave their remains to famished worms
Las de toute cette accablante puanteur et hypocrisie Résigné à vivre dans un monde n’exaltant que làcheté et infamie J’aimerais tant que cette réalité disparaisse dans l’effroi general Et que tout cette pathetique humanité se noie en un onirisme lachrymal