You've come to know, these waters to well They don't mirror heaven, nor resemble hell They're ever reaching waters Of angst and despair It's not bad to be fair As it's fear, not love, that conquers all It's always there when you fall
I am a hypocrite It’s for survival, a way to feel normal I have nothing to give So why aren’t you fucking leaving
Shards of glass on dark, cold, floor Lush, violent anger, held back no more Relapse Repeat Once more, defeat
Numbing I've been waiting for this spin of insensibility
Shutting down Then it turns around A pleasant feeling of loss A lovely smell of grief Just take it from me Nothing ever felt this bleak
You've come to know, these waters to well They don't mirror heaven, nor resemble hell They're ever reaching waters Of angst and despair As it's fear, not love, that conquers all It's always there when you fall
I twist the cold hard steel till I hear it click I pull back hard on the handle to make sure of it These locked doors deliver the solitude that I'm looking for To grey matter in civil war, they're safe shores I know the knocks on the door know that I need them So I write my thoughts down, to save them And these words are soliloqies From minds that are their own damn enemies
I am a hypocrite It’s for survival, a way to feel normal I have nothing to give So why aren’t you fucking leaving
Shards of glass on dark, cold, floor Lush, violent anger, held back no more Relapse Repeat Once more, defeat