All: Have you met this pony yet? You won't forget her. Isn't she the loveliest alicorn in sight? Another mare could not compare to this heir to the throne: Princess Cadence!
Cadence: Mi Amore Cadenza.
All: That's right!
Twilight Sparkle: Have you seen this drama queen? Couldn't be meaner. What was once a friend is now a villain today. Sweet and kind don't come to mind when saying her name:
All: Princess Cadence!
Cadence: Mi Amore Cadenza??
All: Okay!
Applejack:____________________Cadence: Everypony loves her,____________ Applejack, these cupcakes stink.
Rarity:________________________Cadence: Even though she might be stressed.__Stressed out? What do you think?
Pinkie:_______________________Cadence: We just want to help her...__________Fluttershy's birds are singing off key.
Rainbow Dash/Fluttershy:_________Cadence: ...make her special day the best!_____Changeling queen? Who, me?!
*musical interlude*
All, AJ/Rarity on riffy thing: Have you met this pony yet? You won't forget her Isn't she the loveliest alicorn in sight? (Fluttershy on high notes) Another mare could not compare to this heir to the throne: Princess Cadence!