Hitotsu - higure ni gan kakete One, make a wish upon a twilight Futatsu – fudasho no tsukimisou Two, a pair of evening primrose flowers Mittsu - misora ga akeru koro Three, when dawn breaks in the beautiful sky Yottsu - yonaki no ko wo oute Four, smile upon a child who cries in the night Itsutsu - itsumade tsukeba yoi Five, how long should I follow you? Muttsu - mukae ni konu haha ni Six, a mother who does not come Nanatsu - naisho de uramigoto Seven, hatred kept secret Yattsu – Yamanba konu uchi ni Eight, before the mountain hag comes Kokonotsu - ko wo sute yama koete Nine, crossing over the Kousute mountains Too de onigo (devil child) ni narima shita Ten, I became a demon child