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Baltimore Consort - Unto the Prophet Jonas I Read | Текст песни

The historie of the Prophet Jonas .
The repentance of Ninivie that great Citie, which was 48. miles in compasse, having
a thousand and five hundred Towers about the same, and at the time of his preaching
there was a hundred and twenty thousand Children therein.
To the tune of Paggintons round.

U Nto the Prophet Jonas I read,
The word of the Lord secretly came,
Saying to Ninivy passe thou with speed,
To that mightie Citie of wondrous fame.
Against it quoth he
cry out and be free,
Their wickednesse great is come up to me,
Sinne is the cause of great sorrow and care,
But God through repentance his vengeance doth spare

Then Jonas rose up immediatly,
And from the presence of the Lord God,
He sought by sea away to flie,
And went downe to Joppa where many ships rode,
The fare he did pay,
and so got away.
And thus the Lords word he did disobey.
Sinn is the cause of great sorrow and care,
But God through repentance, etc.

But God sent out such a mighty great winde,
That a sore tempest upon the sea came:
Which greatly tormented the Marriners minde
Their ship being like to be broke by the same.
And being afraid,
no time they delaide:
But each unto his God earnestly praide,
Sinne is the cause of great sorrow and care,
But God through repentance, etc.

Yet seeing the tempest continue so sore
To lighten their ship they thought it the best,
Into the rough sea, therefore they cast ore,
All their rich marchandize ere they did rest,
but while they did weepe,
Jonas did sleepe,
And under the hatches himselfe he did keepe.
Sinne is the cause of great sorrow and care,
But God through repentance, etc.

Then came the Shipmaster to Jonas in hast,
Saying thou sluggard why sleepest thou so?
We being in danger away to be cast,
Rise, pray to thy God to release our great woe.
for well you may see,
that likely we be,

Each one to be drowned without remedy,
Sinne is the cause of sorrow and care:
But God through repentance, etc.

Then each unto his fellow did say,
Come let us cast lots betweene us each one,
To know for which of our sinnes this day,
This grievous tempest upon us is blowne.
Then truth for to tell,
when wisely and well,
The lots were all cast, upon Jonas it fell.
Sinne is the cause of great sorrow and care,
But God through repentance, etc.

When they perceived the lot to fall so,
They asked of Jonas immediatly:
from whence he did come and where he would goe,
Where he was borne and in what countrie.
then Jonas replide,
and never denide,
But all the whole truth unto them discride,
Sinne is the cause of great sorrow and care,
But God through repentance, etc.

I am an Hebrew you shall understand,
And the Lord God of heaven I onely serve:
Which made the sea and eke the dry land,
But from his commandement late I did swarve.
In seeking to flie,
from his majestie,
He hath laid upon me this great misery,
Sinne is the cause of sorrow and care,
But God through repentance, etc.

Then said the Mariners tell us with speed,
What shall we doe with thee in this case:
That this great tempest may cease in our need,
Which rageth extreamly in every place.
Cast mee in the sea.
thus Jonas did say,
For 'tis for my sake you are plagued this day,
Sinne is the causer of sorrow and care,
But God through repentance, etc.

Neverthelesse the men were afraid,
And sought for to row the ship unto Land:
But could not prevaile the tempest so plaid,
That they in great perrill of life still did stand.
O Lord then quoth they,
we humbly pray,
For this man let us not perish this day,
sinne is the cause of great sorrow and care, etc.
But God through repentance, etc.

Then tooke they up Jonas in place where he stood,
And threw him out of the ship in the s

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