i dont even know how to hear it; how to listen im not even sure what it sounds like i mean i know it has a sound it sounds like something im just not sure what what does it look like it could maybe look like anything anyway does the form- does- does how the form is familiar matter like if you know it already does that- does the version matter would a variation change your opinion a lot of the basic thing the original general thing history of things and the silence from the last record years of conceiving an area see past the space beyond the immediate domain generationally people dont change that much on the whole do they but maybe the circumstance in places matters like if a place is cold and mean you could take the child to an easier zone one with sun and ease and nicer weather and raise them right so they could change the patterns of behavior the generations it set or the reverse to take the sweeter kids and give them to the heart and substance to make them mean precedent is set in a small head but what about the will when the defined one is born the anomalies happen and that is the hope with even more spark to fight through an unempowered precedent stronger and more flexible more urge and energy open to be even be bare enough to admit that there are tears and gaps in the seams and not just unnecessary faults faults that dont matter that you only find when youre looking for them if youre looking you will find them there is so much space on this earth that is full of whatever youre looking for that the useless fault can be found there in that space but it doesnt mean anything NOTHING that talk is poison no seriously that talk is poison why would you need to hold someone down if they did nothing to you or to make a career of it, a practice im sorry i know there are degrees and not everything can be a party but come on what about the other things the criticism of context like maybe be aware to the fear that that stuff matters like but you only liked it cause you heard it with him and the speakers sounded perfect and you were over the other stuff and liked the idea of that kind of thing is your new thing and you heard it and it sounded perfect and rules that you got it all ever but maybe the week before would have been even better maybe not maybe its truly so epic that it is not the context context would be powerless to something and that is fair but you know the songs sound better at night in the fall and october you were fucking listening to massive attack or the peechees in a dorm in college in 1998 and it wasnt even your room and it sounded like the best thing youve ever heard you dont to change or do anything different our bodies look so different to ourselves in just different clothes these baby giraffe knees knocking together i got new pants and sewed them im sorry fully only you and i would see im sorry my gangly body traveling in space i think about how i look in a video i saw of a show my body awkward in space is what i have this body traveling through space a body and record and i say the same thing over and over because i only think about the same things over and over in circles the name is colder but the feelings are warmer more realer map to a record its a body and record as a map and the summary stands