Mommy please I don’t wanna do this. This guys gross. I don’t give a damn, now start dancing and make me rich or I won’t feed you.
Prepare to watch a vid so dumb You’ll be so grateful when it’s done Shia LaBeouf doesn’t have much on He looks like a half-naked dirty bum And this little blonde girl is such a freak With such an odd limber physique The whole thing’s just them in a cage Doing this pedophile ballet Hey creep get away! I’m twelve you’re twenty-eight!
No one’s going to understand what this is. They’re gonna think we’re geniuses! Your underwear’s dirty And smells really putrid I’m method acting that’s my shit Good God you’re so Disgusting! Sia, why aren’t you in this thing?
I don’t appear in videos or face the audience at shows. Do you hate when folks watch you sing? No it’s a pretentious art thing Besides I’d rather people watch this You two dancing like idiots. Hey! A mini-me but without boobs And a creep whose beard looks like pubes This does not seem legal! This is art you asshole!
Who are you guys? We are the FBI! Put the twelve year old down now Shia. You’re under arrest for dancing with a young child! Hands up right now pedophile! Don’t arrest him. This was all my idea Who the hell are you? I am Sia If this pedo video was made by you. I guess we will arrest you too! There’s no need to arrest me. I tweeted an apology!
Wow, I’ve got my next super-hero movie. She’s got thick skin and an elastic heart. It’s SIA oh she is perfect. She’s already got a mask. Covering her face and everything. Got to go bail her out of jail.
In a world where hurtful bullying is running wild.
What kind of name is SIA anyway, huh? The Transformers Movie sucked.
Humanities last hope may just be… Leave that plagiarizing douche-bag alone. Just who the hell are you – freak. Yeah…freak!
A pretentious Australian singer-song writer. Thick skin, elastic heart power. Activate. Whatever you say, bounces off me and sticks to you.
That freaks mean. Yeah… lets get out of here.
This summer from Stan Lee… You saved my life.
Buckle up for the worst super hero movie ever to hit the big screen.
SIA, Shia LaBeouf and Kanye West as the evil bully overlord.
I ain’t gonna stop till I bully and bash every single artist who isn’t Beyonce and my next target is SIA!
Why do you always wear that mask anyway? Oh…what were you hit in the face with a chandelier? Oh…. What the hell! I thought you had thick skin. Not as thick as your skull ass-wipe.