The Kitchen/The Orgy (theme from Conan: The Barbarian)
Alum dare id Hephaestus, id ire fundi fati virum, omni brachium pulchris profundis, infernarum servi fati Impoteo Inferarum Pulchris infernarum profundis Impoteo, impoteo fati
Impoteo Infernarum Alum dare, orore, id Hephaestus, id ire, pro profundis fati, pro pulchris infernarum profundis pro pulchris omni fati brachium pulchris profundis infernari servi fati profundis, profundis fati Alum dare, orore, id Hephaestus, id ire Pro profundis fati.
Translation: Give him food to Vulcan, Go deep to him To the oracle responsible of everything to the beautiful deep hell of the servant of fate Stinking Hell To the beautiful deep hell Stinking, Stinking fate
Stinking Hell Give food, Born, Go to him, to Vulcan Trought the deep fate trought the beautiful deep hell trought the beautiful responsible of fate beautiful deep hell of servants of fate to the deep deep fate Give food, Born, Go to him, to Vulcan Trough the deep fate.