Feifei: Hello! I’m Feifei and this is 6 Minute English, with me is Neil. How are you Neil? Neil: Ah… tell you what, I’m going to write a very strong letter to the train company – it took 4 hours to get to work today. Feifei: I know, it took me ages yesterday as well. Neil: Well, it’s a good thing we’re looking at complaining in today’s programme! Whether you’re making a complaint or you’re dealing with an unhappy customer, we’ll be looking at useful language and also some dos and don’ts, but first I have a question for you Feifei - Feifei: Go on then… Neil: What do you think more people complain about? Is it transport or shopping? Feifei: Based on what we just talked about, I’d go for transport. Neil: Well, according to the UK website HowtoComplain.com, almost 17% of customer complaints in the UK are about transport and travel, compared with the shopping and retail sector which receives about 25% of complaints. So Feifei you were absolutely wrong about that one, I’m afraid. Feifei: That can’t be true! Neil: Now, if you want to complain about something in English, it always helps to know the right thing to say. And if I’m not mistaken - Neil/ FF: It’s Business Betty! BB: Hello! Feifei: Hello Business Betty, can you give us some tips on complaining in English? BB: Of course! Whether you’re complaining or dealing with a complaint, it’s important to be polite, calm and clear. Let’s look at the customer’s complaint first. Imagine you own a clothes shop and you’re unhappy about some t-shirts you’ve just bought. You’re talking to the supplier about it. First of all, be clear that you have a complaint. Say "I’m afraid I’ve got a complaint." Feifei: I’m afraid I’ve got a complaint. BB: Or you can say "Actually, there’s a problem." Feifei: Actually, there’s a problem. BB: Well done Feifei. Next, state exactly what the problem is. What’s the problem, Feifei? Feifei: I ordered 200 blue t-shirts, but the ones you sent are black. BB: Next, say how you want the problem to be fixed. Feifei: Can you get the right ones over to us by the end of the week? BB: Good! Try saying that one another way: Feifei: Look, I really need the blue t-shirts as soon as possible. BB: Well done Feifei. And remember to be polite! Feifei: I will. Thanks for your help, Betty. BB: You’re welcome. Feifei: Neil, I feel a role-play coming on. Neil: So do I. Of course, today it’s my turn to be the boss. Feifei: But I’m afraid there isn’t a boss in this role-play… Neil: Awwwww….typical! Feifei: But you can be the customer service representative if you like. I’m a client who isn’t happy with your company’s service, and you have to deal with my complaint. Okay? Neil: OK I think I’ll be good at that. Shall we start? Feifei: Let’s go! Role-play Feifei: Ring ring, ring ring… Neil: Hello? Feifei: Good morning, my name is Feifei from Feifei’s Fashions and I’m afraid I’ve got a complaint. Neil: Oh yeah? You are not the only one. Feifei: I ordered 200 blue t-shirts, but the ones you sent are black. Neil: Oh yeah? It happens all the time, that’s life eh… Feifei: Look, I really need the blue t-shirts as soon as possible. Neil: Hmm yeah, OK I’ll tell someone, alright? Bye! Feifei: Err, just a minute – Hello? Hello! Neil: Ooh that was good. How was it for you? Feifei: Hmmm… well, I think we need to ask Business Betty for some feedback. Neil: OK – Business Betty, how did we do?? BB: Well. Feifei - you were great and you did everything I told you. But Neil: we need to work on your customer service skills. When a customer has a complaint, take it seriously! Find out what the problem is: Neil: I see, what exactly is the problem? BB: If there is a problem, apologise. Neil: I’m so sorry about that. BB: Investigate the problem. Neil: Let me check your order. BB: Say what you’re doing to solve the problem. Neil: I’ll get the correct order sent to you by the end of today. BB: And be polite! Neil: Thanks for calling. BB: So, Neil, do you think that will help? Neil: I think that should do nicely. Thanks Betty. BB: You’re welcome. And if there’s nothing else, I’ll be leaving now. Bye! Neil / FF: Bye! Neil: Shall we have another go at the role-play? Feifei: I think we, or should I say you, need to. Role-play Feifei: Ring ring, ring ring… Neil: Hello? Feifei: Good morning, I’m calling from Feifei’s fashions and I’m afraid I’ve got a complaint. Neil: I see, what exactly is the problem? Feifei: I ordered 200 blue t-shirts, but the ones you sent are black. Neil: I’m so sorry about that. Let me check your order. Feifei: Look, I need the blue t-shirts as soon as possible. Neil: Yes of course, I’ll get the correct order sent to you by the end of today. Feifei: Thanks for your help. Neil: Thank you for calling. Neil: And that’s the end of today’s role-play! Feifei: That was better: I think I even believe you might send me the right t-shirts this time. Neil: Of course I will. Anyway, it wasn’t my fault, somebody else sent the wrong t-shirts, I never ever get anything wrong, you know that… Feifei: That’s it for today Neil! But we’ll be back soon, and we hope you don’t feel like complaining about that! Join us again for more 6 Minute English! Bye! Neil: Stop your moaning, bye!