Reason argues the existence of God If the incarnate was crucified The dialectical paradox concludes That God has already died [1]
The very nature of man's independence Implies accountability for one's actions [2] My decision to be free or not to be Reveals the magnitude of my freedom [3]
Where is the wise man Scholar of this age? Their dementia calls From their dimension
Freud argued that God is but mere illusion Our need for some cosmic comforter To resolve our deepest childhood neurosis A belief based wholly on an unfulfilled wish [4]
Or is this world a random occurrence A change reshuffling of matter? Particles in motion in a corner of the universe The origin of life and evolution an accident? [5]
Where is the wise man Scholar of this age? Their dementia calls Leading men to the grave Where is the wise man Scholar of this age? Their dementia calls From their dimension
[1 Cor 1:19-20]
[1 Thomas Altizer - "The Gospel of Christian Atheism"] [2 Jean-Paul Sarte - "Being and Nothingness"] [3 Ludwig Feuerbach "Essence of Christianity"] [4 Sigmund Freud - "Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion"]