Zendeghi to, asheghi to, ba to, hava to Kheyli az in harfaye khub daram baha to Dunyaye man toi, tamume lahzehato Hatta ghashange gherye amma ba to
Ba in ke hame zendeghim rafte hava, man Mundam barat man ye asheghe bi eddeaa man Shayad beghi bayad bi to besham raha man Har ja delet mikhad boro amma ba man
Begho, begho, begho, begho faghat ye bar Ye bar akhe to ham akhe be rut biyar In jomleye ghashange dustet daram o Dighe dighe daghesho ro delam nazar Begho, begho, begho, begho faghat ye bar Ye bar akhe to ham akhe be rut biyar In jumleye ghashanghe dustet daramo Dighe dighe daghesho ro delam nazar
Zendeghi ba to, asheghi ba to Naghir havato, nabor sedato Mikham neghato, naro bia to, to ro khuda to
Zendeghi ba to, asheghi ba to Zendeghi ba to, asheghi ba to Naghir havato, nabor sedato Mikham neghato, naro bia to, to ro khuda to
Begho, begho, begho, begho faghat ye bar Ye bar akhe to ham akhe be rut biyar In jumleye ghashanghe dustet daramo Dighe dighe daghesho ro delam nazar Begho, begho, begho, begho faghat ye bar Ye bar akhe to ham akhe be rut biyar In jumleye ghashanghe dustet daramo Dighe dighe daghesho ro delam nazar
Zendeghi to, asheghi to, ba to, hava to To, dunyaye man toi, tamume lahzehato Ba in ke hame zendeghim rafte hava, man Mundam barat man ye asheghe bi eddeaa man Shayad beghi bayad bi to besham raha man Har ja delet mikhad boro amma ba man
Begho, begho, begho, begho faghat ye bar Ye bar akhe to ham akhe be rut biyar In jumleye ghashanghe dustet daramo Dighe dighe daghesho ro delam nazar
Zendeghi ba to, asheghi ba to Mikham neghato, naro bia to, to ro khuda to Zendeghi ba to, asheghi ba to Zendeghi ba to, asheghi ba to Naghir havato, nabor sedato Mikham neghato, naro bia to, to ro khuda to
Begho, begho, begho, begho faghat ye bar Ye bar akhe to ham akhe be rut biyar In jumleye ghashanghe dustet daramo Dighe dighe daghesho ro delam nazar Begho, begho, begho, begho, begho, begho, Begho, begho faghat ye bar Ye bar akhe to ham akhe be rut biyar Dighe dighe daghesho ro delam nazar