by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura (Bengali, 19th century) from Saranagati
kabe ha'be bolo se-dina amar (amar) aparadha ghuci, suddha name ruci, krpa-bale habe hrdoye sancar
When, oh when will that day be mine? When my offenses ceasing, taste for the name increasing, when in my heart will your mercy shine? When, oh when will that day be mine?
Lower than a blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree. When will my mind attain this quality? Respectful to all, not expecting their honor, then shall I taste the name's nectar sublime. When, oh when will that day be mine?
Great wealth or followers, feminine beauty, I won't care for them or the comforts of my body. Birth after birth give me, Oh Lord Caitanya, causeless devotion to Your feet divine. When, oh when will that day be mine?
When will I utter Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, with words choked up and shivering body? When will I be trembling all over, lose bodily color, tears pouring from my eyes. When, oh when will that day be mine?
When in Navadvipa along the Ganges bank, shouting "Gaura-Nityananda" as a surrendered soul, dancing, chanting, running everywhere, when will I become half mad of mind? When, oh when will that day be mine?
6 kobe nityananda, more kori' doya, charaibe mora visayera maya diya more nija-caranera chaya, namera hatete dibe adhikar
When will Lord Nityananda show mercy upon me, when will I reject the world of Maya? Bestow unto me the shade of Your lotus feet, let the right to preach the name be mine. When, oh when will that day be mine?
I will beg, borrow, or steal the nectar of the name. By the name's effect I will feel paralyzed. Oh! Enjoyer of the nectar of the name, when will I touch your lotus feet till the end of time? When, oh when will that day be mine?
When will I feel compassion for all living beings (jivas)? When will I forget my own pleasure in genuine humility? And when will I, Bhaktivinode, meekly go from door to door, preaching your message of love?
Скажи мне, когда же придет этот день? Когда я перестану совершать оскорбления, в моем сердце появится вкус к чистому святому имени, и Твоя милость засияет в моем сердце.
Когда же я буду считать себя ниже травы и оказывать почтение другим? Когда я воспитаю терпение в своем сердце и избавлюсь от ложной гордости? Ведь лишь тогда смогу я ощутить сладость чистого нектара святого имени.
Я не хочу ничего, что приносит материальное наслаждение — ни богатства, ни последователей, ни прекрасных женщин, воспетых в мирской поэзии. О Господь Гаурахар