Deal (DeeYes rec.)(Vybe Beatz (Part 6) - Actin' Up prod)
Close doors and windows in apartment roll. smell. and light it. you think that this is Taylors crew no this is Russian Biggest Crime i tell you come to see me on TV on your I-Pods. rise up high sort! give to me bitch. smells good shit! Give we will conclude the deal and Ill go to do things Hold a distance. What for in vain you risk up? Some people call in Police. They are brought in our black lists. This girl can fucking is all night. This boy can drink bear he is a non-stop. I smoke my weed and you know what? They have found each other dame bro! She not begins to be indignant. Fuck her senseless compliments. yes you right Russian dude on the front. You such killed! Look for morning don't become cold. Do you feel my breath? Fly in the sky. It is my creed. All who is here lift your hands up! and you will see you cant stop it. ===================================== lets make a deal man lets make a deal Russian Biggest Crime you ready for my real shit are you scary? dont do that you such killed man i know that maybe deal is not for you and I say "NEXT". ==================================== To hell those who checks my documents Here the tenth floor and I publish acts My music. My life. My road Who that now in shock. And consequently cannot have now talk. are you kiling me? Yes it is that guy you it is right bitch. You are a pity on mine do not find words. The deal is lost. Cause Feet heavy as rocks. You cannot continue the procession At me red eyes? This special vision. Well give brag how many you can smoke weeds. All that I see it that you call Jes. No, I havent lost the dry-cargo ship. Run more likely to a counter with chips. All that I need. it is one more joint. We will see result at daybreak, I advise to join.